services offered

individual therapy

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I offer individual therapy sessions for teens, ages 12+, and adults for both in person/in office and via telehealth platforms for residents of Minnesota. Therapy starts with an initial assessment intake appointment, where I get to know you, while you get to know me. Therapy is a collaborative experience, and I know that looking for a therapist can be daunting at times. That's why, if you are wanting to make sure that I am a good fit for you, I offer free 20 minute consultation Google Meets (virtual), where you can ask any questions you may have. As I like to say frequently, therapy is 90% a relationship, and 10% everything else. If you don't vibe with who you are meeting with, progress will be limited. I want to make sure you connect with who you are working with, so that you can accomplish your goals. 

To schedule, please contact us via the contact form on the website, or by phone or email. 

Whether you are looking for support navigating life changes or needing assistance building positive relationships within the family, I am here to help support you. I approach family sessions from a structured, solution, and strength-based framework, knowing that often times families can find themselves in unhelpful patterns together. Part of family therapy work is finding new ways to connect to build stronger foundations while rebuilding trust, respect, and understanding. 

To schedule, please contact us via the contact form on the website, or by reaching out by phone or email. 

family therapy

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I believe strongly in the empowerment that comes from being apart of a group or community. That's why I want to bring a consistent variety of support and skills-based groups in order to help others feel connected and less alone within their own struggles. 

If you'd like more information of what groups we are currently offering, please reach out. 

support and skills groups

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therapy services

  • If I were to make a list of mental health concerns that I consider "my jam", I would say anxiety would be high on the list. Anxiety can be overwhelming and lead to falling out of routine of daily life. With therapy, you can find your way back to those routines and increase joyful experiences. 
  • As I often tell my clients, depression lies. It doesn't want you to feel better. Taking the first step to getting help is your first step towards not listening to what your depression has to say. During individual therapy sessions, we work together to build up skills and find new perspectives that will assist you in your journey towards feeling like yourself again. 
  • This is an area of mental health that I have pursued additional and consistent training in. When working with helping professionals specifically, it is important for a provider to understand how trauma may impact you and the steps you can start to take to reducing the intrusive symptoms that trauma can cause. 
Life Transitions
  • There are seasons of life where we feel like things are going pretty well, and then there are seasons of life where things are more challenging. Therapy can support you in navigating new life changes and life events so that you can get back to engaging in life in a healthy and fulfilled way. 
Codependency, People-Pleasing, and HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) 
  • Whether you are trying to stop a codependency cycle, wanting to break free from unhelpful people-pleasing behaviors, or are looking for a safe place to explore how to navigate the world as an HSP - these are areas I greatly enjoy and feel proficient in with supporting individuals. 
Parent-Teen Relationships 
  • This can be a tough time in both parenting and in life as a teenager. I offer family therapy specifically for parents and their teens to help offer support in walking this journey together. This may include DBT specific skill building. 

areas of concern 

I am currently offering outside supervision to therapists pursuing their LPC/LPCC licenses. I approach supervision from a reflective, validating, and authentic lens. I believe that supervision can be a place to explore, to work together, and to challenge towards new growth. As a therapist, we hold space for others, and supervision is a place where I can hold space for you as a professional, and assist you in exploring what being a therapist means to you. Supervision is not a replacement for personal therapy nor can it be used as personal therapy. 

Rates start at: $80/supervision hour


I accept the following insurances:
United Health Care (UHC)
United Medical Resources (UMR)
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Medical Assistance (MA)

I also offer Out of Network and Private Pay Services. Currently, my Private Pay rates are: 

Initial Assessment Appointment: $200
Individual Session: $175
Family Session: $175
Skills and Support Groups: $50

I will provide Superbills and a Good Faith Estimate upon the start of services. I believe in full transparency and confidentiality with all aspects of the therapy experience, which includes payments and insurance rates. As the client, you are responsible for verifying insurance coverage and costs owed for therapy services. 

payment and insurance options

New and Existing clients, please follow the directions to schedule, change appointments, start telehealth sessions and access documents. 

scheduling & client portal

client portal here

-Carl Rogers

"A person is a fluid process, not a fixed and static entity; a flowing river of change, not a block of solid material; a continually changing constellation of potentials, not a fixed quality of traits." 

Journey Through is a mental health therapy, counseling, and personal wellness clinic supporting teens, adults, and families in the Foley, Minnesota community.

(320) 200-4151

(218) 264-8254

400 Broadway Avenue N
Foley, Minnesota 56329





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Disclaimer: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as healthcare and/or mental health advice for any personal or individual case, event, or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, a healthcare and/or mental health professional-patient relationship. Information on this website is kept up-to-date and accurate to the very best of owner's abilities; however mistakes do happen, and the owner cannot make guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information. The owner is not liable for any information on this website or your reliance upon it.